What if Time Wasting Wasn’t a Thing?

Hear me out… like what if we just removed that as a possibility? What would that mean for how you show up for life and your business?


Now, let's pause and look at how it impacts you to believe that time can be wasted:

👉 Struggle to rest and when you do it's more like stresslaxing than relaxing.

👉  You need every action to have immediate meaning and value. You need to know it is productive in some way. And so you worry. A lot. 

👉  You regret wasted time and kick yourself for it.


THEN… when you worry about it so much… it stresses you the F out. You get exhausted. And you don't allow for things to grow. You rush through decisions and take sporadic action in your business… then retract when you don't see immediate results because… well… you just wasted your time.


And this goes on and on.


And all along it wasn't that what you had done wasn't right and wouldn't work, it's that you didn't give it a fair shot because you believed your brain's BS story.


And the result is a lot of time spent taking a lot of action and then retracting and then popping out. Never really getting TRACTION.


If we were going to believe in time wasting… I think that could be the definition of it. You just proved yourself right. That's how the brain works after all.


But we AREN'T going to believe in time wasting here.


Instead, we are going to choose to believe that this has all been a part of your success story and we are going to LEARN from it and grow through it.


Now tell me that doesn't feel better?


Try that thought on for size and see how it flips the script for you. You are going to show up powerfully because you just snatched your power back baby girl.


Now go get em tiger.


A Little Discussed Source of Exhaustion


Coffee, Chaos, & Change