A Little Discussed Source of Exhaustion
Open tabs slow down your internet processing speed. What do you think they do to your internal processing speed.
Keeping things open, undecided, and undefined burns up a lot of energy.
Even if you aren’t consciously aware of it, your brain is in the background working, worrying, weighing options, and overthinking.
What if Time Wasting Wasn’t a Thing?
Hear me out… like what if we just removed that as a possibility? What would that mean for how you show up for life and your business?
Now, let's pause and look at how it impacts you to believe that time can be wasted:
👉 Struggle to rest and when you do it's more like stresslaxing than relaxing.
👉 You need every action to have immediate meaning and value. You need to know it is productive in some way. And so you worry. A lot.
👉 You regret wasted time and kick yourself for it.
Coffee, Chaos, & Change
Our lives are filled with both kinds of change, gradual and rapid. Both are necessary agents of becoming, evolving, and growing. But only if we answer the call.
I want to share with you one moment from my life where the land beneath me dropped away and I was confronted with change.
Here I am, like a 90’s sitcom mom, in my PJ’s, coffee in one hand, slipping and sliding all around my effing driveway.
Five Mom Hacks, So You Don’t Lose Your Damn Mind
Sometimes, it feels nearly impossible to keep up with all the demands that come with being a mom. And it can feel pretty isolating when you think you are the only person who didn’t get the manual.
“I can’t do it all.” Was a ticker tape running through my mind on the daily.
Something had to change.
Something did change. And by something, I mean I changed.
Here are my Five Mom Hacks, So You Don’t Lose Your Damn Mind:
Self Doubt, a Self Fulfilling Prophecy
There was a time that I doubted myself at every turn. This had me swinging from analysis paralysis to making quick impulsive decisions... I couldn't just keep trying to make better decisions with the same mind that believed I wasn't capable of doing so.
So here is what I did instead: